Friday, September 30, 2011

Let's See Who is Reading....

Send an email to with the word CONTEST in the subject line. On November 1st, I will randomly select a winner of my first novel, "Slivers of Reality." The winner will be notified on November 2nd. No need to write anything in the content of the email. Mailing address for the winner will be acquired on November 2nd. Good luck!

Friday, A Long Week and Nothing to Show for it

Working in the real world can take more energy and zap all creativity. I am emotionally and physically an empty vessel with no way to express myself. Even as I blog, I search for meaningful phrases or temptors thought to progress my writing...Nothing!
I have submitted two hubs, have started a short story, and written two articles. I have made a triumphant return to this week. After an absense of two months, I felt the need to make a bit of green for my work.
Any suggestions or comments on other so-called writing sites would be appreciated from my blogging audience.
I would love to post the adventures of writing by those that throw themselves out there everyday.
As for is 5:15 am on Friday...I have been at work since 3:30 am - going to bed at midnight. I will sit in my cubical and post insurance until my writing takes off.
Tell me about you.
What do you do in order to write?

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Massachusetts to Pass Alimony Bill

My opinion may surprise you!

I'm Backkkkkkkkkk

After a long respite from blogging, I'm back with a vengence. I will be updating this pre-historic blog to